Thursday, August 09, 2012

MOOCs at

MOOCs (Massive Open Online Course) seem to be the buzz this summer and I just found a very interesting Ted Talk about the MOOCs that are available at   You can go to to the Ted Talk at  Daphne Koller is the speaker.

But then go over to and check out the free, university level online classes that you can take. I found three intriguing ones, two about designing online courses and an intro to Logic that I signed up for just because it starts next month and I want to see what these are all about, and how they manage to design them so that they work.

The two education courses that look very appealing are eLearning and Digital Cultures   and
Fundamentals of Online Education: Planning and Application

If you would like a crash course in MOOCs go to and sign up for a MOOC about MOOC's that starts next week (Aug 12) or just read the article at that explains what MOOC are. I signed up for that on, too. So I may see you online.

If you know of any good MOOCs, please share.

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