Friday, March 05, 2010

Using Games in Class

Games can be used for many aspects of teaching but they can be great for reviewing content. Here are a list of free web-based resources that will make it easy for you to create a game for doing a review activity.

Jeopardy Labs: Make Your Own Online Jeopardy Game

I just ran across this cool cloud-based tool. It is a website where you can create your own Jeopardy games to be used in class.

Jeopardy Labs: Make Your Own Online Jeopardy Game is a post about it but you can go directly to the website at And if you don't what to build a template yourself, there are several there already to choose from.

Things I like about it:
  • It is free to use,
  • it is very easy to use,
  • no software installation required,
  • no registration required and
  • you don't need PowerPoint.

Wednesday, March 03, 2010

Innovating the 21st-Century University: It’s Time! (EDUCAUSE Review) | EDUCAUSE

Innovating the 21st-Century University: It’s Time! (EDUCAUSE Review) | EDUCAUSE

Here is an interesting article that describes several very interesting ideas for creative innovations that we could implement at our institutions.

Many of the ideas are not new and focus on the value of collaborative learning and teaching. The authors do emphasize the importance of re-inventing our universities or they will become obsolete.

Check it out and post comments.

Rod Corbett