... I have run across a free web conferencing system that we are exploring using at the conference to provide live access to the presentations by the online participants. It is call WiZiQ and the URL is at http://wiziq.com
Besides being free it has the following features that I like:
- It only requires you to have Flash Player installed to use it and most everyone has that already, how else would you watch your YouTube.com programs. This also eliminates the majority of the problems that users have using other systems that require propriety software to be downloaded and installed.
- It records the sessions in Flash format so they can be viewed afterwards with just Flash Player.
- It appears to have all of the functionality of the other systems and it very simple to learn to use.
- There are also features for sharing content files and having tests online.
- it is Free, did I mention that already?
We have been doing some testing and it seems to work very well, is there anyone reading this that is using it? Please let us know how it is working for you.